Welcome to Askrigg Studios, Beech House, Askrigg, Wensleydale
Paintings, Prints, Books and Greetings Cards

Exterior view of Beech House, Askrigg
Originals on display in the front room
Prints on display in the dining room
We invite you to browse this website and look at all our catalogues. If you would like to see our paintings and prints
in the gallery rooms in our home, we welcome you to ring or email us to make an appointment.
If you would like to order one of our prints please ring or email us. You could collect a framed print,
or we could post it to you, unframed and unmounted. The prices are at the back of the prints catalogue.
View our prints catalogue here.
A selection of our prints can also be seen at:
- The Cornmill Tea Room in Bainbridge
- Heather and Grouse Arts and Crafts, Askrigg
- The Chapel Gallery, Hawes
Original paintings
View the catalogues of our original paintings:
Books Cards
- A selection of greetings cards is available when you visit us.
Judith Bromley and Robert Nicholls
- Well established artists, having exhibited nationally and locally for over 45 years, now invite you to view their traditional and contemporary work in the setting of their own home.
- A wide range of products and prices: greetings cards from £2.00, prints from £50 - £150, originals from £100 - £3,500.
- A
catalogue of their giclée prints can be seen here (
12.43 MB - opens in new window)
- Paintings by these artists were featured in the following publications: The Yorkshire Dales – a view from the Millennium– a celebration of the Dales in words and pictures; Painters of the Dales; and The Yorkshire Dales – a 50th anniversary celebration of the National Park
- For 25 years their popular annual exhibition in Askrigg, and latterly in the Dales Countryside Museum, attracted locals and visitors alike
- Step into the Meadow, a study of a year in a Dales haymeadow,
with words and pictures by Judith Bromley, was published in 1996 to
celebrate the 50th birthday of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. Come Down to
the Wood was published in 2003 and has words and pictures by Judith
Bromley with additional pictures by Robert Nicholls. Both the meadow book
and the woodland book are now sold out but you may be in luck and find one
on the internet!
- Their third book: Climb up to the Moor [please click to view] is no longer available. Signed giclée prints from most of the illustrations are available at Beech House.
- Climb up to the
Moor - the exhibition [please click for details] toured the country from
2012 to 2015 to highlight the importance of moorland and peat bogs. View the Climb up to the Moor exhibition catalogue
exhibition catalogue (
2.36MB - opens in new window)